If you are running a field service business, chances are you need to hire new employees every year, at least. How can you ensure those new hires turn out to be the best possible employees?

The cost of hiring someone may seem like a one-time expense, but it never ends. Hiring employees is just part of doing business. It costs money to train them, pay commissions, and provide ongoing employee training if necessary.

There are several things you need to consider when hiring someone for a field service position. Here is our list of tips that will help you identify high-quality candidates.

Quality of Work

To start off with, how well does this person do their job now? The first thing you should ask yourself is if they have any negative habits or problems that cause them to not make the effort as others. If they consistently do poor work, then it is time to find a better replacement. In addition, if a person has shown up late on more than one occasion, then that is another indicator that they may not be a reliable employee.

Knowledge Level

You also want to check into how much experience they have. Because everyone starts somewhere, even people with little or no experience will show some improvement over time. However, you don’t want to waste too much time training people who aren’t going to get the job done. Once again, there needs to be room for improvement–but you don’t necessarily want to give them all the way to 100%. You want to see that they are gaining value from the training. That means they will perform better after each lesson.

Understanding Your Company’s Expectations

The third thing you should consider is understanding what your company expects from its employees. Do you expect them to always keep the office clean? Do you expect them to be able to follow orders quickly? These are questions worth asking because they tell you about the job requirements of the specific post. You must be very clear about what you expect so that potential candidates will know what you are looking for in an employee.

When selecting employees, you need to remember that you cannot put a price tag on a great performance. There are lots of cheaper ways to do a job, which means that you could end up spending more money overall. However, the question isn’t whether the product works or the service works; it is whether it is worth paying for. 


Personality plays a huge role in workplace relationships. It goes beyond the obvious. Personality affects everything from people’s willingness to help others to their interest in meeting deadlines. If you can build trust through positive personality traits, you will receive loyalty back and feel like your team enjoys working together. Remember the key point here: don’t judge candidates based solely on their skills or their technical qualifications. Instead, think about the personalities of all the applicants and choose one whom you feel would fit well within your organization and culture.

Remember, the right employees are hard to find, but a wrong hire is costly. When hiring someone new, always test out their capabilities before making a final decision. In addition, make sure you check references whenever possible. If a candidate seems perfect, you shouldn’t be afraid to spend a few extra hours testing them out or talking to previous employers.

Getting New Hires Started Right

As you can see, hiring employees for your business field services team requires careful thought. Make sure that you think sufficiently about both your team’s strengths and weaknesses when filling positions.  A lot of times, you need to train your new hires before you actually see the results. To get them started right, here are some tips:

1. Set expectations. Make sure everyone knows what they are expected to do and know what the job entails.

2. Create a culture. You want the employees to get along with one another, so let them know that it is okay to disagree sometimes, and encourage discussions.

3. Reward positive behavior. Make sure to pay attention to the accomplishments of the workers to reinforce their effort. If they are working hard, then let them know that they deserve a bonus or promotion.

4. Communicate clearly. Don’t say “No” when they ask for something. Find out exactly what they need to do. Then, explain the process. Let them know when they are doing well and when they are performing poorly. They need to feel comfortable enough to ask questions.

In conclusion, it is important to understand what you are getting yourself into before you begin searching for new employees. There are many different ways to look at hiring employees, and we hope that this article provides you with a few tips on how to find the best possible team members. Remember to evaluate candidates based on your standards, expectations, and goals.

hiring employees