We made ezbz.app easy to use, easy to carry, and easy for anyone to learn. To help you get started, we listed some of the basics below. You can also watch this tutorial video (~11 mins): 

You can view/print/share
Get Started instructions here:

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You can use ezbz anytime, anywhere that you have the internet and an internet-enabled device. 

Download the app:
Search for “EasyBeezy” or “ezbz.app” in the App or Google Play Store or click on the icons below. 


Logon from the web:

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You will need three things to log in:


EZBZID – this is a unique company identifier that was created during the signup process. Everyone in your company will use the same EZBZID.


username/email – if you created the ezbz account, your username is the email address you used for signup.


password – if you created the ezbz account, you will need the password you created during the setup process.

You can view/print/share log in
instructions here:

Or, click here to watch a tutorial video: 

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  • Everyone on your crew should have their own username and password.
  • You will need to decide which users will be Admins or Regular users.
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Admin Users Can
Regular Users Can
Graphic comparison of two screenshots in ezbz.app for Admin Users and Regular Users

Click on the Navigation Bar in the top left corner and select “Users”.

Click on the “Add User” button in the top right corner

Enter user information.

You can print a PDF of the directions by clicking on the image below. 

You and your crew may find it helpful to have the login info handy. We created printable login cards for that reason. Click on the login card image to download the printable user info cards.

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There are FIVE ways to add customers:

  1. Upload contacts from your phone
  2. Add each customer individually from the Customer menu
  3. Add new customers right onto the Route
  4. Upload a list of customer. (hint: you will need this CSV SPREADSHEET)
  5. Have us do it for you! Click on the button below to learn more.


You can view/print/share instructions here:

Or, click on this image to watch the training video

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Before you can send the crew out to do the work, you have to tell them what to do, of course!

After you make your first work order, you will see how easy it is.

Or, click on the image to watch the training video



You can find more “How To” guides here:

How To Guides

You can email us: support@ezbz.app